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Planetary Number:


Distance from Sun:

1,513,325,783 km (10.115 AU)


120,536 km


200 approx. Examples: Titan, Tethys, Rhea

Length of Day:

10 Hours, 14 minutes

Length of Year:

29.46 Earth Years



Planetary Type:

Gas Giant



Saturn is the sixth planet in the Sol Star System (more commonly referred to as the Solar System). It is located 1,513,325,783 kilometers from the Sun. Saturn has sixty-two natural satellites. Saturn is the most distant object in the Solar System visible to the unaided eye from Earth.


Saturn has only been explored by probes either in orbit, or completing 'fly-by's' to enhance their velocity to reach the other other planets. Given that Saturn is a gas giant there is no solid surface for probes to land on and therefore all probes examining the surface must be in orbit. Pioneer 11, Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 are the only probes to have visited Saturn and then departed. The Cassini-Huygens probe is currently in orbit taking high resolution photographs and studies on the planet and its multiple satellites.

Surface features[]

Saturnian Storm clouds

This image captured in 2011 depicts a storm moving across the northern hemisphere

The surface atmosphere of Saturn consists of 3.3% Helium and 96.3% Hydrogen. The surface is constantly subjected to intense storms, most of which can be many times larger than the Earth.

At the north pole is a notable cloud formation, a single hexagonal pattern which maintains the exact same latitude and lonigtude year round. This formation has only ever been seen on Saturn, none of the other gas giants appear to have them on their poles or equators.

On the surface of Saturn winds have been estimated to be over 1800 kilometers per hour.

With the exception of different colourations Saturn and Jupiter are vary similar in structure and composition.

Natural Satellites[]

Main Article: List of Saturnian Moons

Saturn has 62 natural satellites in orbit (discounting the thousands of small objects in the planets ring system), 53 have formal names but very few are of significant size. The most well known of these moons is Titan, the only moon in the solar system to have a substantial atmosphere, and the moon itself is actually larger than the planet Mercury.


Saturn's rings are the largest and most obvious of the planetary rings in the solar system. They are not visible to the naked eye from Earth but the reflection from the rings is the primary thing that allows Saturn to be viewed from Earth. They are tens of thousands of kilometres across and are divided into multiple sections.
